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Welcome to Auditions!
What happens at auditions?
- Parents drop Kids off at the front of the theater.
- Kids have their photo taken and wait in the lobby until their audition begins.
- Kids go into the auditorium and to the stage to meet the Directors.
- Warm ups for Kids.
- Directors teach Kids a short song and dance.
- Kids introduce themselves and perform the dance and song for the directors.
- Parents pick up Kids at J Street door at the end of Kid’s audition appointment.
What happens after auditions?
- Directors meet to select approximately 40 Kids for each cast.
- Callbacks are on Sunday, beginning at 2:30 PM at the 7th Street Theatre. Kids will be notified if they are needed at callbacks.
- Cast lists for both shows will be posted on our Facebook page, web page, and on the theatre window by Tuesday, June 4 at 5 PM
What happens next if you are selected for the cast?
- Please do not cut or dye your hair after auditions, unless requested.
- Parents and Kids must attend a mandatory Parent Meeting at the 7th Street Theatre. The “Finding Nemo Kids” Parent Meeting is on June 11 at 6 PM. The “High School Musical 2 Jr” Parent Meeting is on June 12 at 6 PM. Kids will be measured for costumes and will receive schedules and scripts. Parents will learn about volunteer opportunities and will sign up to volunteer in the jobs they choose. Tuition may be paid and scholarship requests may be turned in at this time.
- Full cast rehearsals for “Finding Nemo Kids” begin on June 17, 1:30-4:30 PM. Rehearsals for “High School Musical 2 Jr” begin in June 20, 9 AM-1 PM. Rehearsals are “closed”. Only the cast and crew may be in the auditorium during rehearsals.
- Tuition and Tuition Assistance Scholarship requests are due by June 17 for “Finding Nemo Kids” and by June 20 for “High School Musical 2 Jr.”
What if you are not chosen for the cast?
- Come and see one of the shows! A complimentary ticket will be held at ‘will call’ for the show of your choice for all who audition.
What are “callbacks”? Callbacks give the directors the opportunity to see more specifically how the actors align with the roles and how the actors work together. Callbacks give actors time to read dialogue, something there may not be time for in auditions. Being called back does not guarantee that you will get a lead role. Not getting called back does not mean you will not get a lead role.
$$$$$$$$$ Tuition and Tuition Assistance Scholarships $$$$$$$$$$$
Tuition for “High School Musical 2 Jr” is $275 and is due by June 20. Tuition Assistance Scholarships up to $250 are available. The deadline to request tuition assistance is June 20. The request form will be posted on our website starting June 5.
Tuition for “Finding Nemo Kids” is $150 and is due by June 17. Tuition Assistance Scholarships up to $125 are available. The deadline to request tuition assistance is June 17. The request form will be posted on our website starting June 5.
Rehearsals: Rehearsals for “High School Musical 2 Jr” will be held Monday through Friday, 9 AM-1 PM. Rehearsals for “Finding Nemo Kids” will be Monday through Friday, 1:30-4:30 PM. Check your rehearsal schedule for the days you need to be at rehearsal. Dress rehearsals will take place in the evenings. Call times for dress rehearsals will be announced.
Attendance Policy: Most kids are allowed 2 absences. Principals are allowed only one absence. The directors will identify the principals. No absences are allowed for leads during the last two weeks of rehearsal. No absences are allowed during the last week of rehearsal for chorus members. HOWEVER, if you are sick, please stay home and call or email to let us know you will be absent: absent@7thstreetkids.org
Discipline Policy: Kids with discipline problems will be warned once. The second time a Kid has a discipline problem the parents will be notified. If there is a third offense, the Kid will be dismissed from the show. Tuition will not be refunded if a Kid is dismissed because of a discipline problem.
Family Volunteers
The excellence and affordability of the 7th Street Kids program depends upon the work of our family volunteers. There will be more information about volunteer opportunities at the Parent Meetings. For the safety of our Kids, all volunteers must fill out a background check and sign a Statement of Conduct. Volunteers must sign in and out when they volunteer.

7th Street KIDS Statement of Conduct
Be Respectful: Show respect at all times to the Directors, volunteers, other cast members and your audience. Remember to respect other people and their property, and to keep track of yourself and your belongings.
Be Courteous: Use good manners and polite words. Impolite voices, yelling and rude words are not appropriate in 7th Street Kids. If you have a problem that you cannot solve peacefully, talk to a Director or volunteer for help finding a solution. The adults are there to help.
Be Responsible: Arrive on time, bring your materials and be prepared. Clean up after yourself each day. Make sure to give your parents the weekly newsletter.
Use an Appropriate Voice: Talk quietly when you are not on stage so the Directors and actors on stage can hear each other. When on stage, project your voice so the directors and audience can hear your lines and songs.
Listen and Follow Instructions: During rehearsals you will get instructions from the Directors and volunteers. It’s important to listen and follow the instructions, so we create the best show in the rehearsal time we have—time goes fast when preparing for performances.
Stay Home if You are Ill: We want everyone to stay well and stay safe. If you are ill, please do not come to rehearsal.
Follow the Guidelines: Now that you know the rules, it is important that you remember and follow them. You will get a reminder if you are getting close to breaking a rule and then it is expected that you will change your behavior. Your parents will be called to help resolve any further inappropriate behavior.
Be Cooperative: It takes cooperation from everyone to have a GREAT SHOW.